Help Us Change The World One Hour At A Time

Berkeley Lab’s Government and Community Relations Office launched a service portal that offers Lab employees an easy way to learn about, choose, and sign up for volunteer opportunities in the community and with Lab-sponsored K-12 programs.  

The portal is well-aligned with the Lab’s commitment to public service, a core value of our stewardship campaign.  Employees who sign up for an account are helping to provide vital support to people, organizations, and communities in need, while also helping raise the visibility of the Lab and strengthening our reputation as a good neighbor and responsible community institution.   

To learn more about the portal and sign up for an account, visit this FAQ.  Thank you for helping us change the world, one hour at a time!

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunity 

Upcoming Opportunities

Join us for one of the following volunteer opportunities: 

Volunteer Spotlight

April is National Volunteer Month and we asked our employees what inspires them to volunteer. Check out our infographic to see what they had to say. 

Volunteering at Berkeley Lab

Interested in volunteering?

Hear from recent Lab volunteers about why they do it,  how volunteering helps our community, and the intangible gifts volunteers receive in return. 

Read how one of the Lab’s volunteers, Molecular Foundry postdoc Mina Kim, recounts her beliefs about the benefits of volunteering.

3Q4 Article

Jessica Puente Castro has only been at the Lab for six months, but she’s already found her happy places: the Bay Area outdoor scene and volunteering.