Building 59 Upgrade & Installation and Operation of NERSC-9
The University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory proposes to install a next generation high-performance computing (supercomputing) system in the existing Wang Hall facility (LBNL Building 59; formerly known as “CRT”) at the LBNL main hill site in Berkeley, California. The new high-performance computing system, called “NERSC-9,” would support the continually increasing needs of scientists for complex simulation and data analysis. Along with the new high-performance computing system, additional power, cooling, and distribution equipment would be installed to augment existing building systems. The project would change neither the building’s structure nor its occupancy. Upgrades would begin in 2017; the NERSC-9 system would be installed in 2020.
The University of California is the Lead Agency and has prepared a focused Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to review the proposed project’s potential environmental impacts pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. The EIR also supplements UC LBNL’s 2006 Long Range Development Plan EIR by updating its program-level analysis of greenhouse gas emissions that would result from LRDP implementation.
The NERSC-9 Draft Focused EIR is available for review and comment by interested agencies and public members. A 45-day comment period will extend from October 31, 2016 through December 15, 2016. All comments received during this period will be reviewed and addressed in the forthcoming Final EIR. The University will hold a Public Hearing on December 8, 2016 at the North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Street, Berkeley, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. This meeting will invite public input and comment on the scope and contents of the Draft Focused EIR. Please refer to the EIR Notice of Availability, linked below, for further details on EIR review and commenting as well as on the Public Hearing.
Thank you for your interest in the proposed NERSC-9 project and for your participation in the project environmental review process.
Notice of Approval Decision
Date Issued: 2/15/17
Date Issued: 2/15/17
Document Title: Final Focused EIR, NERSC-9 Project
Date Issued: 10/31/16
Document Title: EIR Notice of Availability
Date Issued: 10/31/16
Document Title: Draft Focused EIR, NERSC-9 Project
Date Issued: 4/8/16
Document Title: NEPA Categorical Exclusion
Date Issued: 5/31/16
Document Title: CEQA Notice of Availability / Cover Letter
Date Issued: 5/31/16
Document Title: CEQA Notice of Preparation / Initial Study