The Biological & Environmental Program Integration Center (BioEPIC) is proposed to be an approximately 73,000 gsf, four-story research and office building constructed in the former Bevatron area adjacent to and north of Berkeley Lab Bldg. 91. The BioEPIC is intended to accommodate complementary DOE research programs from the Biosciences and Earth and Environmental Sciences Areas; it would not add to Berkeley Lab’s population but would relocate onsite workers from antiquated Berkeley Lab space and from offsite leased space at 717 Potter Street in Berkeley.
The BioEPIC facility would advance scientific understanding of microbial interactions with environmental biomes and ecosystems at a range of laboratory scales from the molecular to the broadly geographic. Collocation of research staff and programs in state-of-the-art BioEPIC space would increase resource efficiencies and enhance scientific program synergies.
The BioEPIC would accommodate up to approximately 210 occupants and have a goal of a LEED Gold rating. Construction is expected to last two years, projected to be from 2021 to 2023. The site is currently paved and is bounded by steep slopes to the east, Bldg. 64 to the north, Smoot Road and the Bldg. 50 Complex to the west, and Bldg. 91 to the south.
The University of California Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (UC LBNL) has prepared an Environmental Analysis and Checklist for the proposed BioEPIC project pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15168 and 15162, and in keeping with UC LBNL’s Long-Range Development Plan Environmental Impact Report (SCH#10002046). This Environmental Analysis and Checklist is available under “Environmental Documents,” below. Please send any questions to:

Date Issued: 12/31/19
Document Title: Environmental Analysis and Checklist

Date Issued: 12/31/19
Document Title: CEQA Findings

Date Issued: 2/27/19
Document Title: Categorical Exclusion (NEPA)