CAG Charter
Purpose and Charge
The purpose of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) Community Advisory Group (CAG) is to serve as a forum for discussion about the Lab’s initiatives and activities – such as capital projects and scientific initiatives – that impact the community. It is also a venue to identify opportunities for the Lab, City of Berkeley, UC Berkeley, and other community members to collaborate in support of a vibrant and diverse community.
The specific charge to this group is to:
Advise Berkeley Lab staff on issues related to the environmental impacts of proposed planning and development projects;
Articulate key community planning and design principles to be considered in the review of individual projects, as well as guide the physical development of Berkeley Lab overall;
Identify recommended strategies and actions for addressing community concerns regarding the Lab’s physical development;
Provide input and feedback to the Lab regarding general plans and programs for the purpose of helping the Lab be a good neighbor and responsible institution to the community at large;
Serve as a communication link between the Lab and the various community groups and agencies that are interested in Lab-related development issues and scientific initiatives.
CAG Member Responsibilities
To uphold the CAG purpose and charge, each member is asked to fulfill the following responsibilities:
Attend all CAG meetings (two excused absences per year are allowed);
Listen actively to the ideas and opinions expressed by CAG members, project staff and team members, and all members of the community; engage in constructive discussion; and be open to alternative solutions and points of view;
Review and respond to technical planning and policy information provided by Lab staff and community members;
Contribute ideas that leverage the strengths of key institutions that support resiliency, innovation, and economic growth in Berkeley;
Present the views of constituencies, acknowledging and drawing on the diversity of opinions and outlooks represented;
Inform constituencies and other community members about the CAG process; and
Adhere to the CAG’s Operating Principles and cooperate with this process to the fullest extent possible.
Operating Principles
The CAG will carry out its charge through a series of regularly scheduled, facilitated meetings. To ensure a useful and productive exchange of information, the Group will conduct its work according to the following operating principles:
Transparency: Berkeley Lab staff and CAG members will share relevant information and facts to facilitate productive discussion and progress toward mutual goals.
Equal Participation: All participants will agree to provide one another the opportunity to engage in balanced dialogue and presentation on meeting topics, and will minimize domination of discussion by allowing time for other speakers.
Inclusivity: CAG meetings and related activities will be conducted to ensure the ideas and views of all members are considered. This includes an inclusive process to set and design meeting agendas that includes both Lab staff and CAG members.
Respectful Engagement: CAG members and Berkeley Lab staff will show courtesy, honesty, and respect for each other during all communications, especially when giving or receiving contrary opinions as well as positive or negative feedback.
Accessibility: Meetings will be scheduled and materials will be developed to enhance availability and ensure equal opportunities for participation based on the needs of the CAG members. All meetings will be open to the public.
Facilitated Meetings: The meeting facilitator will help the CAG manage its agendas and enforce the Operating Principles.
Meeting Documentation: All meetings will be recorded and made available on the CAG website.
CAG Membership and Participation
Berkeley Lab will work to ensure that CAG membership includes residents of all residential communities adjacent to the Lab as identified by Lab staff and CAG members. The Lab will encourage the active participation of outside agency representatives and community organizations not represented on the CAG whose jurisdiction and subject matter expertise make it likely that they could make a useful contribution to CAG meeting topics.